Sunday, July 24, 2011


So last Tuesday I was making bacon..for breakfast of course. Now, I'm not the best cook, but I know my way around a kitchen. You see, the thing is I'm new to electric ovens. So far I do not like them. I can't seem to get the heating right...medium has three that really necessary? Anyways, I have made bacon on this electric stovetop before and sadly mis-timed my cooking by over cooking the bacon. This time I was being careful.

BUT IT WAS TAKING toast was going to get cold and the oatmeal all sticky. So I turned it up. Low and behold it cooked faster. Too fast. It got super hot and the next thing I knew the grease was popping out at me like flies. I must have looked like I was raging a war with my spatula in one hand and a spinning towel in the other. But guess what happens...

One blasted grease drop flies straight into my right eye. What do you do in this instance? A. Run cold water over your eye B. Run around screaming "I have bacon in my eye!!!" or C. Proceed to throw the bacon across the room cursing it to the demon dimension it came from?

Well, I chose to to D. Silently scream, but calmly put cold water on my eye and finish cooking the darned meal so I could finally eat.
The remainder of the cooking process went fairly well considering I had eye damage. I surprisingly had no major burns or blisters on my eyeball, which is saying quite a bit for my general medical history. It did feel a little funny for a few days..but ewe, grease on my eyeball!

I decided to draw a picture so I would remember my story, then decided to write this blog.

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